Saturday, December 13, 2008

Java 1.5 Features

Generics 3 questions

The Generics Tutorial from Sun covers the basic knowledge that is necessary for this category.

  • Create code that uses Generics.
  • Describe the benefits of Generics.
  • Develop code which deals with legacy code that is not generified.

Enhanced "for" Loop 3 questions

  • Write code that makes appropriate use of the Enhanced for Loop.
  • Identify correct and incorrect usage of the Enhanced for Loop.
  • Explain the limitations of the Enhanced for Loop.

Autoboxing/Unboxing 3 questions

  • Explain what can be done with Autoboxing / Unboxing.
  • Develop code that use Autoboxing / Unboxing.
  • Discuss the appropriate use of Autoboxing / Unboxing.
  • Know that the values true, false, a byte, a char in the range \u0000 to \u007f, or an int or short number between -128 and 127, have special treatment within boxing conversions. And no assumptions can be made about other values.

Typesafe Enums 3 questions

  • Identify the goals of Typesafe Enums.
  • Create enum constructors and explain how to create Enums.
  • Write code that shows the correct and incorrect usage of Typesafe Enums.
  • Use the methods in enums.
  • Work with EnumSet and EnumMap.

Varargs 2 questions

  • Determine the notation of Varargs.
  • Develop code using Varargs.
  • Explain why it is bad practice to overload methods with Varargs.

Static Import 2 questions

  • Write code that use Static Import.
  • Compare the old and the new way of using static members.
  • Discuss best practices of how to use static import.

Metadata (Annotations) 3 questions

An introduction from IBM to Annotations is here.
The definition of Annotations can be found in chapter 9.6 & 9.7 of the Java Language Specification and in the description of the java.lang.annotation package.

  • Identify code that use Annotations.
  • Create code that use standard Annotations.
  • Develop custom Annotations.
  • Explain the advantages of Annotations.
  • Describe what marker annotations and meta-annotations are and how to use them.

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